Category: PowerBI


Build a Power BI Paginated Report Online

Back in April 2022, I wrote an article called Poor Man’s Paginated Reports. That article covered an easy way to create a paginated report without having to learn how to use paginated report builder. Sometime since then, Microsoft has released the ability to create a simple paginate report online inside the Power BI service. It is not as fully featured

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Incremental Backup of PBIX Files

I do a lot of Power BI model and report development; maybe you do too. There’s nothing worse than spending an hour or so developing your model only to have something go wrong and you lose your work. Things that can go wrong include: At the time of writing, there are no version control tools built into Power BI, so

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PowerPoint Integration with Power BI Visuals

Microsoft has just announced the general availability (GA) of the integration of Power BI with PowerPoint. I have previously blogged about this feature here => Power BI Live Embedding. With the recent GA announcement comes a significant improvement over the public preview version. Power BI Single Visual Embedding in PowerPoint Embedding of full report pages was available with the public

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Nesting Measures in Inforiver

The Power BI Matrix visual is similar to an Excel Pivot table, however there are quite a few limitations in the Matrix. In the Power BI Matrix below I have put the product categories on Rows, Calendar Year on Columns and the measure [Total Sales] on Values. At this point, it looks pretty much the same as an Excel Pivot

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